
Share and exchange data and information between the different brand departments

Full control over managing the Supply Chain​


The B/CONNECT module manages the Fashion Supply Chain through five main phases:

Planning, Procurement, Production tracking, Delivery, and Shipping.




The system’s negotiation phase allows brands and suppliers to agree on delivery dates and production schedules, transitioning into delivery plans where quantities are declared and production plans adjusted for efficiency.


The system automates price evaluations for supplier and production orders, allowing for price adjustments if issues arise. The booking order phase ensures brands inform material suppliers of subcontractor requirements, aligning all parties for smooth production.

Production Tracking

The system enhances brand-subcontractor collaboration with tools for work order progress, additional material requests, and material consumption declarations. It also allows brands to address issues like missing items, defects, and rework needs, ensuring efficient production management.

Data sharing


The system includes the management of work-in-progress warehouses, including the tracking, storage, and organization of partially completed products.


The system manages materials and semi-finished goods through delivery notes and advanced shipping notices, ensuring transparency. It also includes pre-packaging and shipping management, allowing brands to specify methods, suppliers to detail package components, and brands to generate accurate labels and manage shipping orders, ensuring coordinated deliveries.


The system manages the approval of additional costs and the preparation of invoices before the final billing.

Data Sharing

The system allows the sharing of product and material master data and technical data, including BOM and processing cycles. Suppliers can share product sheets, technical information, and certifications.

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